How the performing arts can positively impact your mental health

1 March 2024

The positive effects the performing arts has on your well being

Hello there Performers! 

For our blog post this month, I wanted to discuss Mental Health within performance. Of course within this past month we have had Children’s Mental Health Awareness week too so I thought it would be a perfect time for this blog post. 

Did you know that getting involved with the arts can have powerful and lasting effects on health, it can help to protect against a range of mental and physical health conditions? Theatre is all about pushing yourself beyond your own limitations and boundaries, stepping outside of your comfort zone into a space that you may have never thought possible to do so. It improves your social skills, confidence levels and overall physicality. 

However despite all of the benefits, we also know that if you’re a newcomer to Theatre itself, it can be difficult to break out of that anxious mentality so listed below are a few tips and tricks to help you out of a funk; 

Affirmations – always starting and finishing your day with a few positive words to yourself, these can range from “I am proud of myself” to “I am loved” starting your day with an affirmation has been proven to increase your mood by at least 70% for that day and has SUCH a positive effect to your daily routine. 

Journaling – Journaling is such a good way of getting your thoughts and feelings down onto paper, no matter how big or small they are. Sometimes just writing something down and getting it out of your head and onto paper makes the world of difference. 

Communication – Wether that be with your parents, friends, tutors, pets, anyone who you feel supports and listens to you! Communication is so important and it helps you feel supported and listened to! 

Exercise – From dancing around your bedroom to your favourite show tunes to taking the dog out for a walk, exercise has a myriad of benefits to our mental health as well as our physical! And as Elle Woods says ‘Exercise gives you Endorphins and Endorphins make you happy!” 

Self Care – Treat yourself how you would treat the little version of you! Facemasks, early nights, bubble baths, reading your favourite books, meditating. Do anything that makes you feel a little more like YOU. 

And with all of the top tips and tricks above performers you’ll be set for a more positive routine! Know that each and every one of you are SO beyond talented and worthy of all the great things in this world! You’re all going to go so FAR! We just know it. 

Speak to you next time! 

From all the TPS Team x 

[1] https://www.apollotechnical.com/career-change-statistics/#:~:text=years%20of%20age.-,How%20many%20jobs%20will%20the%20average%20person%20have%20in%20their,people%20have%20completely%20changed%20fields.

Written by Amy Gaskell : Singing Tutor

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