Exam tips & tricks: How to prepare for Exam season
Hello Performers! Exam season is upon us, so we at the studios thought it would be helpful to share our top tips and tricks to help you through it!
One of the first things you can do is plan a realistic revision schedule! What we mean by this is, looking at the time you’ve got in the week and make a plan that is both healthy and that works for you! Look at the time you have in the week…let’s say you finish school at 4pm, if you come home and revise straight away for 3+ hours you’re not only going to be super tired but also hungry and none of your revision will stick in your head! So make sure you’re scheduling time for; eating, revision and self care. If you are not 100% well then you won’t be able to do any exams anyway!
Did you know that listening to classical music whist you revise makes it 10x more likely to remember your revision notes? Recent studies have shown that orchestral music can boost mental energy and improve cognitive function, improve mood, and aid sleep and motivation. So next time you’re struggling with your revision why not try to play some Beethoven Symphony No.5?
You can also customise your notes whether that be with; highlighters, bubble writing, gel pens, stickers, sticky notes the lot! Whatever draws your attention and keeps you focused on your work (my personal favourite is a pink highlighter).
It is also super important that you take regular breaks and award yourself during your exam season! You are working so hard so whether that’s a nice walk in the sunshine along the Morecambe bay, cuddling a pet or teddy, seeing your friends make sure you rest. Whatever you need to do to relieve some of that exam stress.
Or perhaps a theatre class is a good destress with friends on the weekend, for socialising or to do a hobby such as performing arts is great downtime while learning too! Take a look at the classes we offer here.
Most importantly remember you are amazing, you’ve got this and everyone is supporting you!
Thanks for reading. Good luck!
From all the TPS Team x
[1] https://www.apollotechnical.com/career-change-statistics/#:~:text=years%20of%20age.-,How%20many%20jobs%20will%20the%20average%20person%20have%20in%20their,people%20have%20completely%20changed%20fields.
Written by Amy Gaskell : Singing Tutor