how Important is singing to our vocal health?

30 May 2024

Hey there performers! Miss Amy here and I’m talking about alllllll things voice related! As those of you who are students you will know I’m the singing tutor here at The Performance Studios, and so all things regarding the voice is my passion! 

Did you know that the human voice consists of sounds made by a human using the vocal tract. 

This includes things like; talking, singing, humming, crying, screaming, shouting etc. The human voice frequency is specifically a part of human sound production in which the vocal folds (or as we know them vocal cords) are the primary sound source. (Other sound production mechanisms produced from the same general area of the body involve the production of unvoiced consonants, whispering etc.) How do I know this? I actually studied all about vocal health at The University of Central Lancashire within my Performing Arts Degree! Without looking after our voices correctly we weren’t able to perform to the best of our ability as training required a lot of commitment.

Your vocal health is so important because your voice is the most used instrument in the entire world! Vocal health is imperative for all musicians and a key essential to lifelong success for singers and performers. Keeping your voice in top shape is essential, whether you’re an amateur or a professional singer. 

How can we look after our voices? Well guys, like I say every weekend we have important steps we can take within our everyday lives to look after ourselves vocally as well as physically…these things include; drinking your daily amount of water intake a day (approx. 3.7 litres a day for men and 2.5 litres for women), steam your voice, reduce or eliminate caffeine intake, vocal rest is so important (especially when you’re sick or poorly), don’t push yourself too vocally hard and be conscious of how far your range will spread. 

So make sure we’re all looking after those voices performers because your voice is for life and not just for performances!  

Keep reading these blog posts each month if you want to learn what it’s like to be a performer.

Speak soon performers xx 

Written by Amy Gaskell : Head of TPS Lancaster & Singing Tutor

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